Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.
; GSD-Datei fuer : ARTIS CTM- System- Feldbusinterface
; Art.Nr : CTMA04DD.GSD
; Stand : 27.10.1998, geƤndert 2.6.99, 4.11.99, 03.01.2000 31.01.2000
; Lan
GSD_Revision = 2
Vendor_Name = "ARTIS GmbH"
Model_Name = "ARTIS_CTM"
Revision = "V1.02"
Ident_Number = 0x04DD
Protocol_Ident = 0
Station_Type = 0
FMS_supp = 0
Hardware_Release= "AA"
Software_Release= "V1.65"
9.6_supp = 1
19.2_supp = 1
93.75_supp = 1
187.5_supp = 1
500_supp = 1
1.5M_supp = 1
3M_supp = 1
6M_supp = 1
12M_supp = 1
MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60
MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60
MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60
MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60
MaxTsdr_500 = 100
MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150
MaxTsdr_3M = 250
MaxTsdr_6M = 450
MaxTsdr_12M = 800
Redundancy = 0
Only the first 1024 bytes of the GSD file are displayed within the preview.